Questions and answers on the recent qualification updates
Certificate Level and ICAEW CFAB Remote Invigilation
- What calculator can I use during my OnVUE exam?
- How do I write notes during my OnVUE exam?
- Is there a demo of the exam to see what it looks like and practise how to use it?
- Can I use a touch screen?
- What internet connection is required, can I use a mobile hotspot or tethering?
- Can I sit my exam on any web browser?
- What will happen if my internet connection drops during my exam?
- I have extra time, how do I book my exams?
- What times are available for the exam? Is there any flexibility for different time zones?
- Is remote invigilation the only option for sitting this exam?
- Can I re-schedule my exam from a test centre to OnVUE?
- Will I receive my results in the same way?
- What should I do if I experience an issue during my exam?
- What should I do if I experience significant delays waiting for my RI exam to be launched?
- Can I use my work laptop during the exam?
- Can I use an external monitor during my exams?
Professional and Advanced Level Remote Invigilation
Before sitting or booking an exam
- Will there be the option to choose remote invigilation or exam centre when booking an exam?
- Is the booking window for the remote invigilation exams the same as the exam centre exams?
- Where can I find details of ACA exam dates and deadlines?
- How long do I have to book my remote invigilation exam?
- Is remote invigilation the only option to sit the Professional and Advanced Level exams?
- Will I pay for the examinations in the same way as an exam centre?
- Can I re-schedule my exam from an exam centre to remote invigilation, and vice versa?
- What do I need to be able to sit a remote invigilation exam?
- Is there a demo of the exam or a chance to use a test/practise system for the exam?
- What times are available for the exam? Is there any flexibility for different time zones?
- How do I book or schedule an exam?
- Do I need to speak to my employer before booking either an exam centre or remote invigilation exam?
- Are the exams any different to the ones sat in the exam centre?
During the exam
- What if something goes wrong?
- I’ve sat a remote invigilation exam for the Certificate Level/ICAEW CFAB, will the Professional and Advanced Level exams have the same system checks and specifications? If not, what are the system checks and specifications for these exams?
- When should I do a system check for my exam?
- Can I use a touch screen during the exams?
- Can I use the laptop supplied by my employer?
- What internet connection is required? Can I use a mobile hotspot or tethering?
- Can I sit my exam on any web browser?
- How will I log in to the exam?
- What time do I need to start the exam? What happens if I log in after the exam start time?
- Will the remote invigilation exams still be open book?
- How are the remote exams invigilated?
- What will happen if my internet connection drops during the exam?
- What will happen if I experience problems during the exam – how can I contact the invigilator?
- How will existing access arrangements work with the remote invigilation exams?
- Can I eat, drink or take a break during the exam?
- Can I have a comfort break during the exam?
- Can I use an additional monitor?
After the exam
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